Mark Bottrell
Executive Pastor
Mark was brought on as the Executive Pastor June 1, 2023. He has served as an active Elder since 2004 and as the Treasurer for more than ten years. He and his family have attended Covenant Community Church since 1995.
Through the teaching and a few men who took an interest in him he came to a saving knowledge of God through Jesus Christ when he first became a part of a men’s small prayer group. His gratitude to God and His work through those men and the impact it has had on his family is inexpressible with mere words.
Mark grew up in Oklahoma City with his mother and his older brother in a home full of love and the challenges of a single parent household.
Mark is husband to Harriet, father to Scarlett, Alex and Holly, and pops to Elias & Magnolia. And father-in-law to Alex’s Amanda and to Holly’s Joseph. Another example of God’s absolute blessing on him and his family.
Mark comes from 30 years of Oil and Gas Industry as well as 14 years of Financial Services. He has studied Petroleum Land Management and Administrative Leadership at the University of Oklahoma.
Mark sits on the Boards of Directors of Arise Single Moms and Southwest Covenant Schools.
Mark enjoys fellowship and gathers with friends whenever he can. He enjoys firearms, cars, motorcycles, and service. But nothing means more to him than being right with God so he will be the man God would have him be and the husband he should be and the father he should be and the employee he should be and the friend he should be. He truly believes that it is the goal everyday to be who God desires all of us to be.
Through the teaching and a few men who took an interest in him he came to a saving knowledge of God through Jesus Christ when he first became a part of a men’s small prayer group. His gratitude to God and His work through those men and the impact it has had on his family is inexpressible with mere words.
Mark grew up in Oklahoma City with his mother and his older brother in a home full of love and the challenges of a single parent household.
Mark is husband to Harriet, father to Scarlett, Alex and Holly, and pops to Elias & Magnolia. And father-in-law to Alex’s Amanda and to Holly’s Joseph. Another example of God’s absolute blessing on him and his family.
Mark comes from 30 years of Oil and Gas Industry as well as 14 years of Financial Services. He has studied Petroleum Land Management and Administrative Leadership at the University of Oklahoma.
Mark sits on the Boards of Directors of Arise Single Moms and Southwest Covenant Schools.
Mark enjoys fellowship and gathers with friends whenever he can. He enjoys firearms, cars, motorcycles, and service. But nothing means more to him than being right with God so he will be the man God would have him be and the husband he should be and the father he should be and the employee he should be and the friend he should be. He truly believes that it is the goal everyday to be who God desires all of us to be.