Discover Covenant


Covenant Community Church is an evangelical, Bible believing church. We are a non-denominational church with members coming from a cross-section of church backgrounds. Our common bond is a shared love for Christ, a commitment to the Word of God, and our desire to tell others of God’s love and grace. 

Join us for our Sunday Services!

When we Meet

Sunday Morning Worship

9:30 am

Community Groups

11:00 am

what to expect

Frequently Asked Questions About CCC

What time is your service?

Our worship service is at 9:30 am on Sunday mornings. Following worship we have Community Groups at 11:00 am as a place for smaller group Bible study and fellowship. Guests are always welcome to our Community Groups. There are also opportunities for children and students during this time.

Where do I go on Sunday morning when I arrive?

Turning into the church oval from Yukon Parkway, follow it around to the west parking lot in front of the main building. You may enter the front doors, which lead into the foyer and to our Welcome Booth where there will be people who can give you information before going into the Sanctuary. A parking crew is on hand to direct you where to go. If you have a physical disability, we want to be as helpful as we can be here at CCC. There is designated seating in the back of the sanctuary on the north side for easy access. Wheelchairs are available that the greeters will assist you with upon your request. The handicap parking directly in front of the West Entrance is designated for your use. If there are other concerns or needs you have, please let us know in the church office at 405.354.9338.

What can I expect at your Worship Service?

CCC is a friendly, casual church that holds to the authority of the Word of God. It is our guide in faith and practice. The Sunday morning teaching time is usually verse by verse from a Biblical passage. We seek to draw out lessons of practical application to our lives. The two men who have served as ‘teaching elders’ both graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary.

CCC worship on Sunday mornings is our opportunity to join together in giving praise to our great and awesome God. We are led in worship by our worship band and vocal team under the direction of Sam Webb. The music is a mix of both contemporary praise songs and great hymns of faith. Our desire is to focus our hearts and minds on
the Lord and worship God in Spirit and in truth.

Where do I take my children?

Children who are in kindergarten and up will go to the worship service with you. At a midway point in the service
K – 3rd graders are dismissed to go to KidsBreak for a video and a snack. Your children may remain with you in the
service or attend KidsBreak. You might escort them the first time to KidsBreak, but there are sponsors who will lead
them there as well. This is designed as a break for the parents and the kids, but is not our primary
children’s discipleship program. KidsTime at 11:00 am is a fun environment where we teach and disciple children.

Nursery through pre-k are cared for during the worship service and through the Community Group hour by our loving and trained staff. These rooms are in the hallway behind the sanctuary. Someone from the Welcome Booth in the foyer would be glad to take you there, or you can park in the very back of the church and enter through the east doors with the blue canopy. This will take you directly into the nursery hallway where you will be guided to the age appropriate spots.

How do I join the church?

New Member classes are offered at different dates through the year. These classes take place during the Community Group hour at 11 am. Topics cover our doctrinal beliefs, how CCC is governed, our vision and purpose, ways to get involved and serve, and is a place for you to ask questions about our church. The class is intended to inform you. There is no pressure to join. Information for upcoming classes is provided in the bulletin as the classes are scheduled.

What else does Covenant offer my family?

CCC has many opportunities for you and your family to get connected and to grow in your relationship with God and others. Take some time to check out our website to learn more about our different ministries.

Most of all, we hope you’ll join us on a Sunday morning and worship with us.

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