Lori Brand & Jonathan Isaac Memorial Car Show

Please join us for the second annual Lori Brand & Jonathan Isaac Memorial Car Show

April 5, 2025  8 - 5 pm

The second annual Covenant Community Church, Lori and Jonathan Memorial car and motorcycle show will be held April 5, 2025 at Covenant Community Church 2250 S. Yukon Parkway, Yukon, OK 73099.

We are excited to host the car show this year! It was a huge success last year and we’re looking forward to this year's show with more cars and a few more OG 405 guys!

So gather your friends and come out. We'll  have food trucks, hot rods, drag cars, street cars and a huge raffle prize!

You can register to enter a car on the form below. For more information call 405.354.9338

Car Show Raffle

Grand prize for the raffle drawing is a Brand Racing Engine LS motor custom built for the show by Gerald Brand from Brand Racing Engines.

Raffle tickets - $30 for one chance, $50 for two chances and $100 for five chances. Raffle tickets can be purchased using the link below or you can buy them the morning of the show. The drawing will be held live on a YouTube feed! You do not have to be present to win.

Check out YouTube’s Brand Racing Engines for videos of the build, and the Dyno tune. The motor will be started a couple times throughout the day. . The raffle drawing will be at 2:30 PM after the awards are given to the class winners beginning at 2 PM.

Car Show Registration

Interested in bringing your car or motorcycle to the show? Please fill out the form below so we can plan space for all the vehicles that will be in attendance.

Included with every car registered is a raffle ticket for the Brand Racing Engine LS motor.

Car show information

Car Show Classes

Cars - pre 1949, 1950;s, 1960's, 1970's, 1980's, 1990's, 2000's 2010's, 2020's
Exotic Cars - All years
Rat Rods - All years
Imports - Pre 1984, 1985 - present
Trucks - Pre 1970, 1971 to 1990, 1990 to present
Race Cars - all types, all years
Street Race Cars - All types, all years
Motorcycle - Pre 2000, 2001 to present, Custom

Car Show Awards

Pastor's Choice, 405 Choice, People's Choice, Children's Choice, Service Member/First Responder

First place, Custom Trophy for each class
Second and Third Place Medallion for each class

Car Show Schedule of Events

7 am - Parking begins
8 am to 10 am - Registration
8 am to 2 pm - Raffle ticket sales
10 am to noon - Judging
10 am to noon - KOMA Live Remote
Noon to 2 pm - Live music
2 pm - Awards
2:30 pm - Raffle drawing for the Custom LS Engine
5 pm - Show ends
Thanks for coming!