Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
Galatians 6:2
In this world you will have trouble...
At one time or another we all need the help of others to see our way through difficult times.
The Care Ministry at CCC begins with each member becoming involved in a Community Group or small group where they can share life together with others in their season of life. It is in this setting that needs become known most easily and can be met by those who already know and care about us.
However, the Care Ministry is much more than that! We exist to provide love and support to people who are struggling with life's challenges. We stand ready to assist in many areas which include our Grief Ministry, Meal Ministry, Hospital Visitation, Counseling and more.
For more information you can fill out the form below or contact Lowell Entz, our Pastor of Care & Connection at 354-9338