men's wednesday evening studies

The Most important 18 words you will ever know

Ours is a world of information and words, but instead of greater clarity and understanding, words mean different things to different people. The church has been given words of eternal life. We will look at 18 important ones. This book study by J.I. Packer will be led by Carlon Tschetter and will meet on Wednesdays from 6:30 - 7:45 pm in the Conference Room across from the church office beginning January 17.  Space is limited so be sure and sign up.

the footsteps of the messiah

This study will offer a fuller understanding of the prophetic portions of our Bible through the reading of Arnold Fructenbaum's book "The Footsteps of the Messiah".

This study, led by Dan Brown, began last fall and will resume and continue to meet on Wednesday nights from 6:30 - 8 pm in E3 beginning January 3 and running through May of 2024